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We are dedicated to sharing the experience of live performance. There is nothing that can compare to being in the presence of an artist performing his or her music. Yeah, we have iPods...but they are only a pacifier to keep us content until we can taste the sweet flavor of a live performance.

First of all we are Frank and Sandy Young; their daughter, Wendy; her husband, Todd; and their 2 children, Corey (21) and Jackson (4). Jay Young is Frank and Sandy's son. He passed away in 1992 at the age of 24. Jay left his mark on the music world in a band called Velvet Melon. Our family spent many nights in crowded bars just to listen to them play. Our house was home base to the band when they were in Pensacola, FL. Live music was a huge part of our lives from 1985-1992.

When we discovered "Concerts in Your Home" it was like a breath of fresh air. Jay would have loved this idea! We have the perfect place, cool neighbors, and Sandy's home cookin' to give musicians a chance to perform for people that appreciate their talents. It is in honor of Jay and all the guys and girls that made music with him (many of whom are still making music and working second jobs) that we support live music! Our name comes from the two rocks and a hubcap (Frank found it when they bought the property) that mark the driveway to the house.
